Make Your Love Handles A Memory By Using The Best Way To Remove Them

By Jerald Mrowka

Even though there are lots of pieces of advice that will tell you what you need to know so that you can get rid of your love handles, you probably aren't going to like any of it. This is actually quite common as most of the advice offered for healthfully losing weight gets shrugged off. We'll spell it out and give you sold information that is accurate and works. From there, all that's left is to figure out how much of it you want to act on.

The yo-yo effect with fad dieting and fat burning methods is well known. But you can follow proven methods to make those love handles go away.

There are a variety of workouts you can do that will help you get rid of your love handles--you just need to make sure you're working on
toning your whole body. It's easy enough to do this through twisting and rotating. You can also choose to do linear stretching, like bending to the waist, leaning left and right, etc if rotating isn't something that appeals to you. A broom stick is a great tool when you want to work away your love handles. Put the stick on your shoulders and, with your arms, reach out to grab hold of it. While bent at the waist, go from left to right to left, back and forth. Twisting at the waist is good so long as you do not go overboard. You also need to be sure that you do a complete warm up before you do any kind of workout.

There are typically three things that factor into losing your love handles. You must eat healthy foods and avoid all the sugary drinks and snack foods. This diet will give you more energy and help you get all of the right nutrients and vitamins. Next up is exercise that burns fat very well and this is cardio training. Along with burning fat you'll be building muscles in your body depending on what your cardio routines are all about. Then finally you engage in exercises that are solely for your abdominal muscles. Do this for six months and you will lose all (or almost all) of the fat on your abs and they'll be so much prettier.

It would be nice to target areas to lose weight, but at least it works when you have certain muscles you want to firm up. Once your muscles are toned, then it is just a matter of losing the fat. You want firm and hard abs and the love handle muscles which are called obliques. One fact that is important for you to know is the back for your back muscles are the stomach muscles. Your back needs to be strong and firm, as well as your stomach. It is important to have your back strong, which can be done by swimming or an exercise where you basically swim while laying on your stomach on the floor. To firm up your back muscles, all you need is the up and down movement of your legs, while doing the swimming motion.

A very easy midsection and oblique, love handle, exercise is the trunk twist. As long as you can do this exercise around people watching you, this exercise can be done in almost any place. To begin this exercise, you need to place your feet at least a shoulder width apart as you are standing. Your hips are a good place for your hands or they can be held straight out. Your feet need to remain stationary as your upper torso is rotated or twisted. Be careful you do not bounce when you do this and make it controlled and within a healthy range of motion. You need to be doing at least 3 to 5 reps, where a rep includes 50 to 100 times. Your love handles will feel it which means you will feel it the next day. Here's a secret. Don't just think about getting rid of your love handles. Tone up your whole body and your love handles will disappear as a matter of course. When you start to see that your body is healthier and fitter, you will also be pleasantly surprised to see that your love handles are going away as well. This area is harder for a man to shed excess fat from, so men have to be more patient to get the results they want.


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