Easy Weight Loss - Top Ten Tips

In fact, the following top ten tips to lose weight are just a reminder of what most people already know when it comes to losing weight.
First tip to lose weight: adopt a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy. The average adult human should consume between 5 to 10 portions of vegetables per day mainly in the form of green vegetable. Be careful to stay away from fattening vegetables
such as potatoes and onions especially when fried. The average adult also eats too generous portions of meet and bread.
Second tip to lose weight: drink 6 to 10 glasses of water per day. If you don't like water, you can squeeze a slice of lemon in it or choose aromatized water which is not quite as good as pure water.
Third tip to lose weight: get moving! Always consult your doctor first but if you have the OK then close the television and start moving. Mist people get carried away and spend way too much money on gym equipment or gym membership when they can just put on a good pair of shoes and go walk outside.
Fourth tip to lose weight: be patient. Remember it took you months if not years to add on the extra weight. Remember if you lose one pound per week, this adds up to 52 pounds in a year.
Fifth tip for effective weight loss: If you loose control, regain it as soon as you realize it. One little excess is not the end of the world but binge eating for one or two weeks in a row will pack up the extra pounds.
Sixth tip to lose weight efficiently: beware of all the fads, miracle pills and miracle diets. Experience has shown that they just do not work and can actually be hazardous to your health.
Seventh tip for effective weight loss: Look into your mind! We have been programmed to eat for all the wrong reasons such as comfort, need to fill an empty space, to please our parents by finishing our plate, etc Hypnosis is a great way to reconnect with your true appetite and eat for the right reasons.
Eight tips to lose weight and stay healthy: we have associated eating with celebrating
such events as Christmas or Thanksgiving. It is OK not to eat everything on the big plate
that is served to you. Your hosts will probably understand as they too are probably trying
to lose weight.
Ninth tip to lose weight safely: eat on a small plate. We have been "trained" to finish our
plate so if there is less on the plate, we will eat less.
Tenth tip to lose weight rapidly: love and accept yourself. It is a true fact, that the more
you love yourself, the better image you have of yourself, the more you will take care of
your body, the better you will look and lose weight.


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