Guaranteed Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight Permanently

Guaranteed weight loss sounds like some commercial where they're selling you some secret sauce, and they'll "guarantee it." Well, it's not about magic. Losing weight is not about some secret you don't know.
But first, let me ask you a question. If there were such a thing as a magic pill to lose weight, would you take it?
I'm guessing your immediate response would be, "Yes!"
But did you know that research has shown that patients who have heart disease, diabetes, and cancer only take their life saving medication 55% of the time? Why is that?
Too often I look for some get skinny quick scheme, pill, or workout routine, only to learn that it boils down to two main things that I have complete control of.
Diet and exercise.
The Fundamentals
Nutrition is 75% of the equation and exercise is 25% to lose the pregnancy weight you want. I used to think exercise helped me lose weight more, but I was wrong.
Brazilian scientists reviewed 33 clinical trials and found that nutrition accounts for 75% of a person's weight loss. So, as they say, "Abs are made in the kitchen." What you eat matters more than how much you exercise.
So, take a hard look at what you're eating everyday. Some find it helpful to write down what you eat. Or, you could get an accountability partner and discuss with him/her your diet choices.
Focus on a nutrition guide that is based on nutritionally dense foods, full of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Foods like vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains.
Eat mostly foods that are natural, wholesome, and not covered up with artificial flavoring, chemicals, and preservatives. Stick to eating "real food," not chemically altered food that winds up in boxes and bags that can last years on a shelf.
Exercise is the second component. The key to exercise is to find an activity that you enjoy. There's no use in doing something that you'll quit in a week's time.
When you find an activity that you enjoy, you're more likely to incorporate it into your daily lifestyle. Maybe you like taking walks? You could go for a walk with your kids after school, and stop by a playground on the way home. You both win.
Baby Steps
One final word about guaranteed weight loss. Take baby steps. It took time to put on the weight, and it will take time to lose it (maybe longer).
The good thing though, is that this time, you're going to lose the weight permanently. Say good-bye to yo-you dieting, and finally never having to wonder if the newest cleanse or pill is going to work.
So, if eating healthy is a new thing for you, try incorporating one new (nutritious) thing into your diet. It could be drinking a glass of water with each meal. Or, exercising everyday for 5 minutes.
Do one thing at a time. Once that thing becomes easy, usually after 30 days, add the next habit. What you're doing is building a lifetime of habits where you never have to go on another diet or weight loss exercise plan to lose a certain amount of weight.
You've guaranteed weight loss for yourself because now you are eating healthier and exercise is part of your normal daily routine. It comes down to the basics.
Kick start your fat loss with this weight loss meal plan and be the inspiration to other moms who are wanting to lose pregnancy weight.
Kristine Kay helps moms lose up to 25 pounds of belly fat in 90 days without military exercise, starvation diets, or expensive diet pills. Subscribe to her free newsletter where you get instant access to exclusive tips for fat loss for moms. It's her all natural approach to losing weight and keeping it off. Losing weight after pregnancy just got easier.


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