3 Reasons Intermittent Fasting Helps You Lose Weight Easily

Intermittent fasting is an ancient technique that’s only recently come to light in modern Western culture. Fasting, as you may know, is when you abstain from eating altogether for a certain period of time. With intermittent fasting you can fast for just 24 hours and begin to lose weight and body fat without changing any other part of your diet.

1: Easily Cuts Calories

When you intermittently fast for just 24 hours at a time you will cut your calorie intake significantly while still being able to eat what you like at any other time. Like you probably already know, cutting calories (or burning calories) is the key to overall weight loss. It doesn’t matter how much you work out, if you’re still consuming more calories than your body burns in a day you’ll never lose weight. Fasting for short periods of time makes it easy to set aside some time each week (or month) that you will not eat, eliminating all those extra calories.
Let’s face it, it takes about 4,000 calories to lose one pound of fat. Walking a mile burns approximately 100 calories, give or take. This means it would take 40 miles of walking to burn a pound of fat. That’s longer than a marathon. Alternatively, you could fast for 24 hours twice and eliminate 4,000 calories you would have eaten those days. Would you rather run a marathon or skip eating once a week? You can further amplify your results by eating healthier on days you don’t fast as well as incorporating some metabolism boosting exercises.

2: Easy to Follow

Intermittent fasting is great because it’s a lot easier to stick to than most diets are. Most diets restrict what you eat every single day. Eventually, all your old cravings will surface and you’ll give in to temptation no matter how strong your will is. Fasting allows you to eat what you want most of the time then allows your body some time off which can improve your health greatly. It’s as simple as setting a schedule you feel you will be able to fast and then sticking to it.
The problem with most diets is that they’re extremely difficult to stick to for longer than a week or two. Eventually we get sick of the limited number of foods we’ve been eating and turn to all our old favorites once again. When you fast intermittently you can still enjoy all of your favorite foods just as you always have and still lose body weight and body fat.

3: Diet Freedom

When you’re not fasting you can eat whatever you would normally eat. This isn’t to say you should go overboard though. If you binge every chance you get when not fasting you certainly won’t lose weight. The best part is that you can control what you want to eat and when. Eat healthy some days, pizza the other days. If you change nothing else about your diet other than fasting one or two days a week you are going to lose weight, period.


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