Majority of individuals are under the impression that a massage is an indulgence. Several people think massages are just a means to flirt with someone. It's true that some people swear that getting a regular massage has plenty of benefits but, largely, the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to figure out if you should spend the money for a massage regularly? Consider these little known benefits of massage!
Know that massage causes chemical changes in your brain. These changes
reduce your body pain and your stress levels generally. This is terrific news since it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact area where you are having pain. This means that if you don't wish someone touching, for example, your lower back, you should ask them to massage somewhere you do feel comfortable instead. The pressure applied on those spots triggers your brain to change its chemical makeup. Give it a while and the rest of your muscles will relax as well.
It's possible, according to a few experts, that regular massage promotes a healthy body. Studies have been conducted that indicate massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it more effortless to fight off diseases. This occurs because massage increases your body's de-stressors. For example, studies have shown that massage can reduce your body's cortisol levels. Cortisol is induced by stress and assails the immune system so assuaging your stress is a terrific way to continue to be healthy. Using beauty products like triactol bust serum with massage is an excellent way to enhance your breasts without going for any surgical procedures which can prove to be dangerous at times.
Are you aware that getting a massage regularly can help bring down your blood pressure? Also, it can reduce hypertension. This is because massage sets off the nervus vagus and this nerve is responsible for regulating your blood pressure levels as well as several other important functions in the body. A study completed in 2005 showed that individuals who suffer from high blood pressure showed a striking improvement in their condition after getting ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks.
It's possible for you to massage yourself also. There are a number of individuals who believe that massage must be done by someone else but that isn't actually the case. You don't have to massage the exact part that is in pain so long as you get close to the area. One example of this is someone suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome can help himself by massaging his own arms a couple of times each week.
There are plenty of advantages to getting regular massages. Many individuals know that massage can be relaxing but it can help to treat a number of health conditions also. Also, know that there is no one type of massage that is better than the other. A good massage requires applying adequate pressure to make indentations on the skin and nothing more. So why not give it a try and see some of the benefits yourself?
Know that massage causes chemical changes in your brain. These changes
reduce your body pain and your stress levels generally. This is terrific news since it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact area where you are having pain. This means that if you don't wish someone touching, for example, your lower back, you should ask them to massage somewhere you do feel comfortable instead. The pressure applied on those spots triggers your brain to change its chemical makeup. Give it a while and the rest of your muscles will relax as well.
It's possible, according to a few experts, that regular massage promotes a healthy body. Studies have been conducted that indicate massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it more effortless to fight off diseases. This occurs because massage increases your body's de-stressors. For example, studies have shown that massage can reduce your body's cortisol levels. Cortisol is induced by stress and assails the immune system so assuaging your stress is a terrific way to continue to be healthy. Using beauty products like triactol bust serum with massage is an excellent way to enhance your breasts without going for any surgical procedures which can prove to be dangerous at times.
Are you aware that getting a massage regularly can help bring down your blood pressure? Also, it can reduce hypertension. This is because massage sets off the nervus vagus and this nerve is responsible for regulating your blood pressure levels as well as several other important functions in the body. A study completed in 2005 showed that individuals who suffer from high blood pressure showed a striking improvement in their condition after getting ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks.
It's possible for you to massage yourself also. There are a number of individuals who believe that massage must be done by someone else but that isn't actually the case. You don't have to massage the exact part that is in pain so long as you get close to the area. One example of this is someone suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome can help himself by massaging his own arms a couple of times each week.
There are plenty of advantages to getting regular massages. Many individuals know that massage can be relaxing but it can help to treat a number of health conditions also. Also, know that there is no one type of massage that is better than the other. A good massage requires applying adequate pressure to make indentations on the skin and nothing more. So why not give it a try and see some of the benefits yourself?
About the Author:
Owen is a guest blogger at health blog, a blog documenting a series of practical health advice.
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