7 Evidence-Based Ways to Prevent Hangovers

Drinking alcohol has its pros and cons. One of the worst things about it, is getting a hangover the morning after. As you may know, hangovers are the unpleasant after effects of alcohol intoxication. They strike hardest when alcohol has left the body, and are characterized by various dreadful symptoms (1). This includes headache, fatigue, […] The post 7 Evidence-Based Ways to Prevent Hangovers appeared first on http://authoritynutrition.com/

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Phytic Acid 101: Everything You Need to Know

Phytic acid is a unique natural substance found in plant seeds. It has received considerable attention due to its effects on mineral absorption. Phytic acid impairs the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium, and may promote mineral deficiencies (1). Therefore, it is often referred to as an anti-nutrient. However, the story is a bit more […] The post Phytic Acid 101: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Alcohol and Health: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

We’ve been getting a lot of mixed messages about alcohol. On one hand, moderate amounts have been linked to health benefits. On the other hand, it is addictive and highly toxic when we drink too much of it. The truth is that the health effects of alcohol are actually quite complex. They vary between individuals, […] The post Alcohol and Health: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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10 Super Healthy Herbs And Spices Backed By Science

The use of herbs and spices has been incredibly important throughout human history. Many were celebrated for their medicinal properties well before culinary use. Science has since proven that many herbs and spices do indeed carry remarkable health benefits. Here are 10 of the world’s healthiest herbs and spices, supported by research. 1. Cinnamon Lowers […] The post 10 Super Healthy Herbs And Spices Backed By Science appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Legumes: Good or Bad?

Legumes are quite controversial these days. Depending on who you ask, they are either incredibly nutritious or uniquely harmful. Some people even choose to eliminate legumes from their diet altogether. Should legumes be avoided, or can they play a part in a healthy diet? This article takes a close look at the evidence. What Are […] The post Legumes: Good or Bad? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice. It has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Modern science has now confirmed what people have instinctively known for ages. Here are 10 health benefits of cinnamon that are supported by scientific research. 1. Cinnamon is High in a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties Cinnamon […] The post 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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10 Reasons Why Good Sleep is Important

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for health. In fact, it is just as important as eating healthy and exercising. Unfortunately, the Western environment is interfering with natural sleep patterns. People are now sleeping less than they did in the past, and sleep quality has decreased as well. Here are 10 reasons why good […] The post 10 Reasons Why Good Sleep is Important appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Is “Starvation Mode” Real or Imaginary? A Critical Look

Weight loss is generally seen as a positive thing. It can bring improved health, better looks and all sorts of benefits, both physical and mental. However, your brain that doesn’t necessarily see it that way. Your brain is more worried about keeping you from starving, making sure that you (and your genes) survive. When you […] The post Is “Starvation Mode” Real or Imaginary? A Critical Look appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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11 Proven Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Bloating

Bloating is the condition of your belly feeling swollen after eating (1). It is usually caused by excess gas production, and/or disturbances in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system (2). This can cause increased pressure and discomfort, and can sometimes make the stomach look bigger (3). The effect can be quite extreme […] The post 11 Proven Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Bloating appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Truvia: Good or Bad?

Many people are trying to reduce the amount of sugar they are eating. Not surprisingly, a ton of different sugar substitutes have entered the market. Truvia is one of them. It is aggressively marketed as a natural, stevia-based sweetener that is good for blood sugar control. But is Truvia really healthy, and is it as […] The post Truvia: Good or Bad? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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20 Nutrition Facts That Should be Common Sense (But Aren’t)

Common sense is surprisingly rare in nutrition. All sorts of myths and misconceptions are being spread around, even by so-called experts. Here are 20 nutrition facts that should be common sense (but clearly aren’t). 1. Trans Fats Are Not Suitable For Human Consumption Trans fats are nasty. Producing them involves high pressure, heat and hydrogen […] The post 20 Nutrition Facts That Should be Common Sense (But Aren’t) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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The Atkins Diet: Everything You Need to Know (Literally)

This is a very detailed article about the Atkins diet. Foods to eat, foods to avoid, meal plan, shopping list, scientific background and numerous tips. The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, usually recommended for weight loss. Proponents of this diet claim that you can lose weight eating as much protein and fat as you […] The post The Atkins Diet: Everything You Need to Know (Literally) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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13 Ways That Sugary Soda is Bad For Your Health

When consumed in excess, added sugar can have disastrous effects on your health. However, some sources of sugar are worse than others… and sugary drinks are the worst, by far. This primarily applies to sugary soda, but also to fruit juices, highly sweetened coffees and other sources of liquid sugar. Here are 13 reasons to […] The post 13 Ways That Sugary Soda is Bad For Your Health appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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The Alkaline Diet Myth: An Evidence-Based Review

The alkaline diet seems a bit too good to be true. Proponents of this diet suggest that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline foods can improve health. They even claim that it can help fight serious diseases like cancer. There are actually quite a few people who swear by this diet and claim miraculous results… But […] The post The Alkaline Diet Myth: An Evidence-Based Review appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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10 Proven Benefits of Kale (No. 1 is Very Impressive)

Of all the super healthy greens, kale is the king. It is definitely one of the healthiest and most nutritious plant foods in existence. Kale is loaded with all sorts of beneficial compounds… some of which have powerful medicinal properties. Here are 10 health benefits of kale, that are supported by science. 1. Kale is […] The post 10 Proven Benefits of Kale (No. 1 is Very Impressive) appeared first on http://authoritynutrition.com/

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Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight, But Only A Specific Type

Fiber is a well known nutrient, but not well understood. Put simply, fiber refers to carbohydrates that cannot be digested by humans. They are classified as either soluble or insoluble, depending on whether they dissolve in liquids. Insoluble fibers function mostly as “bulking” agents and are not very interesting. However… soluble fiber can have powerful […] The post Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight, But Only A Specific Type appeared first on...

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11 Serious Concerns About Vegetable Oils (No. 2 is Scary)

Fats in the diet are highly controversial. Saturated fat was previously blamed for raising cholesterol and causing heart disease, but this has now been disproven (1, 2). For some reason, dietary guidelines still recommend that we consume vegetable oils instead of saturated fats like butter. This includes oils like soybean oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil, […] The post 11 Serious Concerns About Vegetable Oils (No. 2 is Scary) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Can “Diet” Make You Fat? The Truth on Artificial Sweeteners

Added sugar is a disaster and many people are trying to avoid it. But most of us are accustomed to sweet foods, and don’t want to live our lives without them. For this reason, various artificial chemicals have been invented to replicate the effects of sugar. These are substances that can stimulate the sweet taste […] The post Can “Diet” Make You Fat? The Truth on Artificial Sweeteners appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Antioxidants Explained in Human Terms

Antioxidants are frequently mentioned in everyday conversations. This applies to both scholars and laymen alike. You can find antioxidant supplements in store shelves, and their health benefits are beloved by both marketers and media. However, very few people actually know what they are and how they work. The concept of antioxidants is fairly complex, but […] The post Antioxidants Explained in Human Terms appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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6 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat (No. 2 and 3 are Best)

Overweight does not necessarily equal unhealthy. There are actually plenty of overweight people who are in excellent health (1). Conversely, many normal weight people have the metabolic problems associated with obesity (2). That’s because the fat under the skin is actually not that big of a problem (at least not from a health standpoint… it’s […] The post 6 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat (No. 2 and 3 are Best) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Glucomannan – A Weight Loss Supplement That Works

A lot of people need to lose weight. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to achieve and long term success is rare. All sorts of things are claimed to help with this… diets, potions and pills that are supposed to make things easier. One of them is called glucomannan, a natural dietary fiber that is […] The post Glucomannan – A Weight Loss Supplement That Works appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Whey Protein 101: Surprising Benefits of Powders and Shakes

Not all protein is created equal. Some forms of protein, such as whey, are better than others. Whey protein contains an incredible range of essential amino acids, which are absorbed quickly (1). Numerous studies show that it can help you increase strength, gain muscle and lose significant amounts of body fat (2). However… whey is […] The post Whey Protein 101: Surprising Benefits of Powders and Shakes appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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The 20 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods on The Planet

Not all calories are created equal. Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in the body. They can have vastly different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn. Here are the 20 most weight loss friendly foods on earth, that are supported by science. 1. Whole Eggs Once feared for being high […] The post The 20 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods on The Planet appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know

Many people falsely believe that weight gain (and loss) is all about calories and willpower. However, modern obesity research disagrees… and scientists are increasingly pointing their fingers at a hormone called leptin (1). Being resistant to this hormone’s effects (called leptin resistance) is now believed to be the leading driver of fat gain in humans […] The post Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Agave Nectar: A Sweetener That is Even Worse Than Sugar

The harmful effects of sugar are among the few things that most health experts agree on. Everyone knows that sugar is unhealthy and most health conscious people try to avoid it. Not surprisingly, all sorts of other sweeteners have become popular, both natural and artificial. One of those is called Agave nectar, a sweetener that […] The post Agave Nectar: A Sweetener That is Even Worse Than Sugar appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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10 Similarities Between Sugar, Junk Food and Abusive Drugs

There are many ridiculous myths in nutrition. The idea that losing weight is all about calories and willpower is one of the worst. The truth is… sugar and highly processed junk foods can be addictive, just like drugs. Not only are the behavioral symptoms the same, but the biology also happens to agree. Here are […] The post 10 Similarities Between Sugar, Junk Food and Abusive Drugs appeared first on http://authoritynutrition.com/

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Mediterranean Diet 101: A Meal Plan That Can Save Your Life

This is a detailed meal plan for the Mediterranean Diet. Foods to eat, foods to avoid and a sample Mediterranean menu for one week. The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people used to eat in Mediterranean countries like Italy and Greece back in the year 1960. Researchers noted that these people […] The post Mediterranean Diet 101: A Meal Plan That Can Save Your Life appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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12 Proven Benefits of Avocado (No. 5 is Very Impressive)

The avocado is a rather unique type of fruit. Most fruit consists primarily of carbohydrate, while avocado is high in healthy fats. Numerous studies show that it has powerful beneficial effects on health. Here are 12 health benefits of avocado, that are supported by scientific research. 1. Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious What we refer to […] The post 12 Proven Benefits of Avocado (No. 5 is Very Impressive) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Vitamin K2: The Missing Link Between Diet, Disease and Death

Most people have never heard of Vitamin K2. This vitamin is rare in the Western diet and hasn’t received much mainstream attention. However… this powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health. In fact, vitamin K2 may just be the “missing link” between diet and several killer diseases. What is Vitamin K? […] The post Vitamin K2: The Missing Link Between Diet, Disease and Death appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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5 Studies on The Mediterranean Diet – Does it Really Work?

Back in the early 20th century, heart disease had become a huge problem. At that time, researchers studying the cause of heart disease noted a striking pattern… The people in certain countries around the Mediterranean sea (like Italy and Greece) had very little heart disease compared to Americans. The researchers believed that the reason for […] The post 5 Studies on The Mediterranean Diet – Does it Really Work? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): A Detailed Review

Not all fats are created equal. Some of them are simply used for energy, while others have powerful health effects. CLA (short for “Conjugated Linoleic Acid”) is a fatty acid that belongs to the latter group (1). It is found naturally in beef and dairy, and has been shown to cause fat loss in many […] The post CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): A Detailed Review appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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12 Graphs That Show Why People Get Fat

People are fatter and sicker than ever before. Obesity rates have tripled since 1980 and have increased particularly fast in children. The reason why this has happened is still debated among scientists, but it must be due to changes in the environment because our genes don’t change this quickly. This article contains graphs with historical […] The post 12 Graphs That Show Why People Get Fat appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Wild vs Farmed Salmon – Can Some Fish be Bad For You?

Salmon is commonly prized for its health benefits. It is a fatty fish that is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, which most people don’t get enough of. However… not all salmon is created equal, unfortunately. Today, a lot of the salmon we eat isn’t caught in caught in the wild, but bred in fish farms. […] The post Wild vs Farmed Salmon – Can Some Fish be Bad For You? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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15 “Health Foods” That Are Really Junk Foods in Disguise

Unhealthy foods are the main reason the world is fatter and sicker than ever before. Surprisingly, some of these foods are considered healthy by many people. Here are 15 “health foods” that are really junk foods in disguise. 1. Processed “Low-Fat” and “Fat-Free” Foods The “war” on saturated fat is the biggest mistake in the […] The post 15 “Health Foods” That Are Really Junk Foods in Disguise appeared first on...

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Why Junk Food Makes You Fat… NOT Fat or Carbs

The true causes of obesity are complicated and diverse. There is no single thing that causes it… various factors contribute, both internal (our biology) and external (our environment). Not only that, but the combination of contributing factors may vary greatly between individuals. What causes obesity in one person may have no effect on another. Modern […] The post Why Junk Food Makes You Fat… NOT Fat or Carbs appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Should You Eat Lean or Fatty Meats? The Savory Truth

Meat is often considered unhealthy because it is high in saturated fat. For this reason, meat (especially fatty meat) has been demonized. But new studies have shown that saturated fat is harmless… and meat has been making a comeback as a health food. That being said, there are some potential concerns with the fatty acid […] The post Should You Eat Lean or Fatty Meats? The Savory Truth appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic (No. 4 is My Favorite)

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine. He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions. Well… modern science has recently confirmed many of these beneficial health effects. Here are 11 […] The post 11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic (No. 4 is My Favorite) appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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18 Delicious Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes

Many healthy eaters struggle with breakfast. Some are busy in the morning, others simply don’t feel hungry at the start of the day. Many people also feel so satiated on a low-carb diet that the need for a morning meal vanishes. If this applies to you, then perhaps you should just skip breakfast and wait […] The post 18 Delicious Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?

This is a simple but highly accurate scientific calorie calculator, along with 5 evidence-based tips on how to sustainably reduce calorie intake. Enter your details in the calculator below to figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day to either maintain or lose weight. US UnitsMetric Gender FemaleMale WeightHeightAgeActivity – Select […] The post How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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6 Indulgent Foods That Are Low-Carb Friendly

The low-carb way of eating is awesome. One of the best things about it, is that people usually don’t need to count calories. As long as carbs are kept low, appetite tends to go down. This causes people to automatically restrict calories, without having to consciously regulate their food intake. This simple method is proven […] The post 6 Indulgent Foods That Are Low-Carb Friendly appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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Coffee: Good or Bad?

Man Drinking Coffee From PotThe health effects of coffee are quite controversial.

Depending on who you ask, it is either a super healthy beverage or incredibly harmful.

But despite what you may have heard, there are actually plenty of good things to be said about coffee.

For example, it is high in antioxidants and linked to a reduced risk of many diseases.

However… it also contains caffeine, a stimulant that can cause problems in some people and disrupt sleep.

This article takes a detailed look at coffee and its health effects, examining both the pros and cons.

Coffee Contains Some Essential Nutrients and is Extremely High in Antioxidants

Coffee is more than just dark brown water… many of the nutrients in the coffee beans do make it into the drink.

A typical 8oz (240 ml) cup of coffee contains (1):

  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 11% of the RDA.

  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 6% of the RDA.

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 2% of the RDA.

  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 2% of the RDA.

  • Folate: 1% of the RDA.

  • Manganese: 3% of the RDA.

  • Potassium: 3% of the RDA.

  • Magnesium: 2% of the RDA.

  • Phosphorus: 1% of the RDA.

This may not seem like a lot, but try multiplying with 3, 4, or however many cups you drink per day. It can add up to a significant portion of your daily nutrient intake.

But where coffee really shines is in its high content of antioxidants.

The average person who eats a typical Western diet actually gets more antioxidants from coffee than fruits and vegetables… combined (2, 3).

Bottom Line: Coffee contains a small amount of some vitamins and minerals, which add up if you drink many cups per day. It is also high in antioxidants.

Coffee Contains Caffeine, A Stimulant That Can Enhance Brain Function and Boost Metabolism

Caffeine is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world (4).

Tired Man Drinking Morning Coffee

Soft drinks, tea and chocolate all contain caffeine, but coffee is the biggest source.

The caffeine content of a single cup can range from 30-300 mg, but the average cup is somewhere around 90-100 mg.

Caffeine is a known stimulant. In the brain, it blocks the function of an inhibitory neurotransmitter (brain hormone) called Adenosine.

By blocking adenosine, caffeine actually increases activity in the brain and the release of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. This reduces tiredness and makes us feel more alert (5, 6).

There are numerous studies showing that caffeine can lead to a short-term boost in brain function… including improved mood, reaction time, vigilance and general cognitive function (7, 8).

Caffeine can also boost metabolism (calories burned) by 3-11% and even increase exercise performance by 11-12%, on average (9, 10, 11, 12).

However… some of these effects are likely to be short-term. If you drink coffee every day, then you will build a tolerance to it and the effects will be less powerful (13).

There are also some downsides to caffeine, which I’ll get to in a bit.

Bottom Line: The main active compound in coffee is the stimulant caffeine. It can cause a short-term boost in energy levels, brain function, metabolic rate and exercise performance.

Coffee May Help Protect Your Brain in Old Age, Leading to Reduced Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Coffee Beans

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and a leading cause of dementia.

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (14, 15, 16).

Parkinson’s is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and caused by the death of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain.

Coffee drinkers have a 32-60% lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. The more coffee people drink, the lower the risk (17, 18, 19, 20).

Bottom Line: Several studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease in old age.

Coffee Drinkers Have a Much Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Cup of Coffee

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugars due to resistance to the effects of insulin.

This is a very common disease… it has increased 10-fold in a few decades and now afflicts over 300 million people.

Interestingly, coffee drinkers appear to have a significantly reduced risk of developing this disease, some studies showing that coffee drinkers are up to 23-67% less likely to become diabetic (21, 22, 23, 24).

In one large review study that looked at 18 studies with 457,922 individuals, each daily cup of coffee was linked to a 7% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (25).

Bottom Line: Numerous studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Coffee Drinkers Have a Lower Risk of Liver Diseases

The liver is an incredibly important organ that has hundreds of different functions in the body.

Elderly Couple Outside Drinking Coffee

It is very sensitive to modern insults like excess alcohol and fructose intake.

The end stage of liver damage is called Cirrhosis, and involves most of the liver being replaced with scar tissue.

Coffee drinkers have up to an 84% lower risk of developing cirrhosis, with the strongest effect for those who drink 4 or more cups per day (26, 27, 28).

Liver cancer is also common… it is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of liver cancer (29, 30).

Bottom Line: Coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. The more coffee they drink, the lower the risk.

People Who Drink Coffee Are at a Much Lower Risk of Depression and Suicide

Waitress Holding a Cup of Coffee

Depression is an incredibly common problem.

It is the world’s most common mental disorder and leads to a significantly reduced quality of life.

In one Harvard study from 2011, people who drank the most coffee had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed (31).

In one review of 3 studies, people who drank 4 or more cups of coffee per day were 53% less likely to commit suicide (32).

Bottom Line: Studies have shown that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of becoming depressed and are significantly less likely to commit suicide.

Some Studies Show That Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

Given that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of many common, deadly diseases (and suicide), it makes sense that coffee could help you live longer.

There is actually some good evidence to support this.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2012 looked at the habits of 402,260 individuals between 50 and 71 years of age (33).

In this study, people who drank coffee had a much lower risk of dying over the 12-13 year study period:

Freedman, et al - Coffee and Risk of Death

The sweet spot seems to be at 4-5 cups per day, with men having a 12% reduced risk and women a 16% reduced risk.

You can read more about it in this article on how coffee can make you live longer.

Bottom Line: Some studies have shown that coffee drinkers live longer, which makes perfect sense given that they have a lower risk of many diseases. The strongest effect is seen for 4-5 cups per day.

Caffeine Can Cause Anxiety and Disrupt Sleep

Young Brunette Holding a Cup of Coffee

It wouldn’t be right to only talk about the good stuff without mentioning the bad.

The truth is… there are some important negative aspects to coffee as well (although this depends on the individual).

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, heart palpitations and may even exacerbate panic attacks (34).

If you are sensitive to caffeine and tend to become overstimulated, then perhaps you shouldn’t be drinking coffee.

Another unwanted side effect is that it can disrupt sleep (35). If coffee reduces the quality of your sleep, then try avoiding coffee late in the day, such as after 2pm.

Caffeine can also have some diuretic and blood pressure raising effects, but this usually goes away with regular use. However, an increase in blood pressure of 1-2 mm/Hg may persist (36, 37, 38).

Bottom Line: Caffeine can have various negative effects, such as causing anxiety and disrupting sleep, but this depends greatly on the individual.

Caffeine is Addictive and Missing a Few Cups Can Lead to Withdrawal

Coffee Maker

One issue with caffeine, is that it can lead to addiction in many people.

When people consume caffeine regularly, they become tolerant to it. It either stops working as it used to, or a larger dose is needed to get the same effects (39).

When people abstain from caffeine, they get withdrawal symptoms like headache, tiredness, brain fog and irritability. This can last for a few days (40, 41).

Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of physical addiction.

A lot of people (understandably) don’t like the idea of being literally dependant on a chemical substance in order to function properly.

Bottom Line: Caffeine is an addictive substance. It can lead to tolerance and well documented withdrawal symptoms like headache, tiredness and irritability.

The Difference Between Regular and Decaf

Cup of Coffee And Coffee Beans

Some people opt for decaffeinated coffee instead of regular.

The way decaffeinated coffee is usually made, is by rinsing the coffee beans with solvent chemicals.

Each time this is done, some percentage of the caffeine dissolves in the solvent and this process is repeated until most of the caffeine has been removed.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that even decaffeinated coffee does contain some caffeine, just much less than regular coffee.

Unfortunately, not all of the health benefits of regular coffee apply to decaffeinated coffee. For example, some studies show no reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s or liver diseases for people who drink decaffeinated coffee.

Bottom Line: Decaffeinated coffee is made by extracting caffeine from the coffee beans using solvents. Decaf does not have all of the same health benefits as regular coffee.

Things to Keep in Mind in Order to Maximize The Health Benefits

Man Drinking a Cup of Coffee

There are some things you can do in order to maximize the beneficial health effects you get from coffee.

The most important is to NOT add anything unhealthy to it. This includes sugar and any sort of artificial, chemical-laden creamer.

Another important thing is to brew coffee with a paper filter. Unfiltered coffee (such as Turkish or French press) contains cafestol, a substance that can increase cholesterol levels (42, 43).

Also keep in mind that some of the coffee drinks at places like Starbucks can contain hundreds of calories and a whole bunch of sugar. These drinks are NOT healthy.

There are some more tips in this article on 8 ways to make your coffee super healthy.

Bottom Line: It is important not to put sugar or a chemical-laden creamer in your coffee. Brewing with a paper filter can get rid of a cholesterol-raising compound called Cafestol.

Should You be Drinking Coffee?

Woman Drinking Coffee, Smiling

There are some people who would definitely want to avoid or severely limit coffee consumption, especially pregnant women.

People with anxiety issues, high blood pressure or insomnia might also want to try limiting coffee for a while to see if it helps.

There is also some evidence that people who metabolize caffeine slowly have an increased risk of heart attacks from drinking coffee (44).

All that being said… it does seem clear that for the average person, coffee can have important beneficial effects on health.

If you don’t already drink coffee, then I don’t think these benefits are a compelling reason to start doing it. There are downsides as well.

But if you already drink coffee and you enjoy it, then the benefits appear to far outweigh the negatives.

I personally drink coffee, every day… about 4-5 cups (sometimes more). My health has never been better.

Take Home Message

It’s important to keep in mind that many of the studies in the article are observational studies, which can not prove that coffee caused the beneficial effects.

But given that the effects are strong and consistent among studies, it is a fairly strong indicator that coffee does in fact play a role.

Despite having been demonized in the past, the evidence points to coffee being very healthy… at least for the majority of people.

If anything, coffee belongs in the same category as healthy beverages like green tea.

The post Coffee: Good or Bad? appeared first on http://ift.tt/1aS7CX7

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